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Proud to be a B Corp

2023 saw Dall Cleaning Services become a Certified B Corporation, passing a rigorous certification process that assesses every aspect of a business. In order to be certified, Dall Cleaning Services had to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

By becoming a Certified B Corporation, we can demonstrate our commitment to creating a better world.

Our Impact


Our employees are the heart of our business and we believe in providing them with a positive and rewarding experience. We prioritise their health and safety and follow best practices in the work environment such as recognising the UK and London Living Wage and providing training opportunities, equal pay and job flexibility. We are constantly working on improving our standards and investing in our workers.


At Dall Cleaning Services, We are committed to ethical and solid governance and strive to maintain it in all of our operations. We are proud of our B Corp certification, for which we achieved a governance impact score of 16.5, far exceeding the sector average of 7.


We are dedicated to making a positive impact on the community and environment around us. We are achieving this through our cleaning initiatives and support for local charities,  Our commitment to the economic and social well-being of our community is something we take great pride in. 


We value and respect our customers, and we strive to provide a customer service experience that is second to none. Our team of experienced professionals takes pride in the quality of their work, and it shows in the results. We understand that our customer’s satisfaction is our number one priority.
Our team of commercial cleaners is trained to the highest standards of professionalism and customer service. We are committed to providing the best possible service to our customers, and to delivering the highest quality of service every time. We understand that customer satisfaction is the key to our success, and we are dedicated to meeting and exceeding our customers’ expectations.


At Dall Cleaning Services, our commitment to sustainability is at the core of our operations and we are proud to be a leading sustainable cleaning company in the UK. To ensure our operations are as eco-friendly as possible, we have adopted a number of sustainable practices. We only use eco-friendly products, which are free from harsh chemicals and toxins and are certified to have a low environmental impact. We also actively promote sustainability initiatives amongst our customers, to reduce their own environmental footprint and contribute to a greener future.

What is a B Corp?

A business that is a B Corp is dedicated to using business as a force for good. B Corps are certified by the nonprofit B Lab to meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. As a B Corp, our Commercial Cleaning business must ensure that its operations are designed to benefit its community and the environment while providing good working conditions and wages for its employees. By becoming a B Corp, Dall Cleaning Services demonstrates its commitment to its customers, workers, and the environment. This certification is invaluable in showing that the business is dedicated to sustainability and ethical practices.

Why did we want to be a B Corp?

The B Corp certification is a third-party verification that demonstrates our commitment to our clients, staff, suppliers, and other stakeholders. With this certification, we are showing that we are a transparent and eco-focused, ethical, and well-run company that uses business as a force for good. We believe that this certification will benefit our clients by providing them with the assurance that we are an ethical company that is dedicated to environmental stewardship and social responsibility. Our staff, suppliers, and other stakeholders also benefit from this certification, as it shows that we are a company that takes their interests into consideration. We are proud to be a B Corp and strive to uphold this certification through our commitment to making a positive impact on our community.

How did we achieve B Corp certification?

To achieve B Corp Certification, Dall Cleaning Services, underwent a rigorous evaluation process. We had to demonstrate our commitment to social and environmental sustainability through our energy supplies, waste and water use, diversity and corporate transparency policies. We also had to show our dedication to purpose beyond profit in our company articles. Our hard work paid off, as we achieved a benchmark score of over 80, securing our B Corp Certification. We are proud of this accomplishment and will continue to work towards even higher standards of sustainability.

Dall Balls.gif
Setting Standards in
Foggy Forest

Proud to be a Certified B Corp

We are proud to be part of a global movement of people using business as a force for good and making sure that our actions have a positive impact on our community, environment, governance, employees, and customers. We have achieved excellence in these key areas and are committed to continuing to improve our standards. Our team is dedicated to providing a service that makes a difference and we will continue  to make sure that our operations have a positive effect on the world.

Busy Working Day

Market Leaders

Dall Cleaning Services are one of the first few companies in the UK commercial cleaning industry to be B Corp certified. Our certification reflects our commitment to high standards of social and environmental performance. We have a rigorous supplier approval system that ensures our partners adhere to the same standards. Our B Corp score demonstrates that we use business as a force for good and put people before profit. Our core values of Staff, the Environment and an Ethical approach to business are reflected in all aspects of our operations.

Cleaning the Desk

Partner with us

If you are genuinely committed to using business as a force for good and helping your customers, the environment and society in a measured and ethical way, then partnering with us for commercial cleaning is the right choice. We are a Certified B Corporation, which means we have met the highest standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. We are dedicated to making sure our customers get the best possible services, while also making sure the environment and society benefit from our actions. Our commitment to sustainability is unmatched, and we take pride in being a part of the movement to use business as a force for good.

Partnering with a B Corp is the right thing to do.

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